Making a toast android studio
Making a toast android studio

making a toast android studio

setNegativeButton ( "No", new DialogInterface. Bundle public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity ) ĪlertDialogBuilder. Now you are ready to use it in your project. That is: Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this,"Answer is YES",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() The above line will make a Dialog and initiate it on the screen, when user clicks on any button of the dialog according to the choice we will make a Toast. AlertDialog.Builder alertDialogBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this) It is easy and simple to create an AlertDialoge.Builer in JAVA file. Īs you can see the has a android:onClick attribute which is referring to open, now open is a function which is initiating the function for the process in JAVA file. Then create a layout file with a single button in the center with any text for the button. After creating our project we have two main files. Firstly create a project named as MyToastApp or you can name as you want. Android Development Android,java,xml etc.

making a toast android studio

To implement this in your program you will need to import the ‘’ in your java file. Android Studio Toast Messages Java xml, Android developers. This AlertBox.Builder will ask for a question and provide two buttons for yes and no. Toast toast Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), 'Simple Toast', Toast. Create a new project in Android Studio and call it: CustomToast. ​In the example below, we are going to use the AlertDialog.Builder class to build an alert box. Toast & Custom Toast With Example In Android Studio. Submitted by Manu Jemini, on January 30, 2018 Program to show making of toast: package import import android.os. In this article, we are going to set two different options in a dialog box and toast the closable option as result. It is used to manipulate the margins both horizontal and vertical margin.

Making a toast android studio